Plato taught us that the Good, the True, and the Beautiful are the celestial essences or ideas, independent but so intertwined as to be inseparable.

When it comes to the body, the human form is, quite simply, beautiful.

Yet our relationship to this naked beauty often comes with baggage, shame and shadow that is acted out in a multitude of unhealthy ways.DB_210314_064b-683x1024

As a society, we can’t seem to turn away from violence, and welcome in film, television, games, and literature.

Nudity, on the other hand, is most often relegated to the profane, reduced to the pornographic and hidden in shame.

David Bollt takes issue with that.

As a lifetime artist, tattoo artist and connoisseur of beauty, the human form was always his most attractive and challenging muse.

He created as a vehicle for artists and models to share their undeniable beauty with the world, and to challenge the constricting norms of allowable expression.

Great art not only reveals the aesthetic beauty of the subject, but also transmits humanity and invites curiosity.

Check out this audio exploration of David Bollt and Model Society, and why beauty is so important in a crazy world.


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Bollt’s experience in the AMP Intensive helped clear the way for this bold, purposeful move and he sees AMP as an essential force in support of men.
He gives back by leading facilitation at AMP Intensives around the country.


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Some example of Model Society art:

807dd7c1-9878-4a6f-8eae-38d7e6deecd3Photographer: Terry King

Model: Rosa Brighid


Photographer: Axiaelitrix


Photographer: Eric Boutilier-Brown


Model: Inner Essence


Photographer: Balm in Gilead


Photographer: rjolson



