892509_10151306883852101_354811766_o-199x300This month we have an interview with a special guest, Shana James.

Shana first started breaking my heart at my AMP Intensive back in ’07 and has been subtly rocking my world in various ways since then!

For those of you who aren’t familiar with Shana: She’s a coach for men (and women) in developing passionate, juicy,(AMP women seem to love this descriptor ) attraction-filled connections with women.

She has a Master’s in Psychology, has worked for over a decade as a coach and a workshop leader for the Authentic Man Program and also is the co-founder of the Authentic Woman Experience.

Her years with both men and women give her a depth and an edge in getting men from frustrated nervousness around women to calm, relaxed and in their own power.

In this fun and heartfelt talk Shana and I discuss her new course Authentic Magnetism.

She shares some great tips and insights into deepening into your most authentic, embodied, attractive self, including:

  • “The Lightbulb Effect” – a simple analogy that can help harness nerves, hesitation and anxiety with women and transforming it into turn on, power and fun (at 1:10)
  • The critical moment where the ‘Spark’ really happens in an interaction with a woman you’re attracted to – and how most men unknowingly squash it without realising (at 12:20)
  • A way to shift your mindset from ‘neediness’ to a more authentic, centeredness (without posturing or becoming a ‘jerk’)
  • A simple – but powerful – lesson in interacting and dating from the playground (at 19:02)

I also share experiences around my past insecurities – and how they played out in ways I wasn’t even aware of.

Shana has an awesome short video course that takes you through some simple steps to be more relaxed, grounded and confident with the women you’re most attracted to.

Click here and sign up to the list to get her free video course http://www.themanshewants.com/stopawkward