…and Deepening Community with the men who’ve been on this crazy-ass ride with us.

Greetings AMP supporters and co-creators from almost every continent now.

deckerDecker here,

Some of you guys have been asking, “Damn, how long you guys keeping AMP in hibernation!?” A few of you’ve even threatened to take over for us if we don’t get back in the saddle! (and thank you)

Yes we’ve been running on a fairly low idle for the past few years as I’ve went through one hell of a health crisis, but I am officially on the other side of it. I am virus-free for the first time since birth, and have already regained 10 of the 30 pounds I lost.

All of us at AMP are re-committing this Summer to igniting the secret sauce that’s had so many of our lives richer:

Deep & Real Community for Men

AMP’s always been about supporting and challenging men to their unique personal greatness, yes in our relating with women but also in all of our relationships private and professional.

Every place I’ve felt burned or blocked in my relationships has invariably been an opportunity for a raw, honest look at myself and my life. It’s been a privilege to see you guys doing the same. These insights so often contribute new inspiration to every area of your life (and the lives around you).

But how do we keep these insights coming? Looking back I see how a core group of men, laser-focused on creating something worthwhile in the world, has served not only the creation of AMP but most of our favorite projects over the years.

So in service of firing up an international network of men’s culture that betters each man such that we all better the world…

An important introduction:

casey_headshotWelcome to Casey Capshaw as the new Executive Director of the Authentic Man Program. He’s been a part of this team in various ways for several years now, also co-founder of The New Man Podcast and a man who walks his talk like few I’ve ever known. Casey got seriously rocked open in his AMP Intensive back in ‘08 (I’m grinning just remembering his weekend with us), and he’s been supporting our entire community since.

He’s taking the helm to continue giving back, to put undivided focus on AMP, and to spearhead this network of badasses who thrive in their lives AND enjoy the ride together.

Rather than wow you with the mysteries of 2.3.1 re-launches and flashy marketing hooks, I just want to straight-up invite you to follow along with the blog and emails as Casey brings AMP back online.

Unbelievably inspired to be back guys,
