

I have been sifting through tons of original recordings and website content created at AMP over the years.

It has become a huge archaeological dig, and I’ll say this…there is serious gold in here.

I am the Indiana Jones of AMP content, and I want you guys to check these precious gems I am discovering…like this one:

What is the secret to having confidence?

Women say all the time that they want a confident guy. And when you look around at the guys who do the best with women, more often than not they seem to have this unshakable sense of control and calm to them.

This leads a lot of guys to think that confidence is the holy grail of doing better with women.

All they have to do is just puff themselves up and pretend like they’ve got everything taken care of.

However, there’s a lot more to this whole confidence thing than that…

Check out this discussion with Decker, Garrison and Mel breaking down the Myth of Confidence:

So it’s a little more subtle than all that…

There seems to be more subtlety to the concept of confidence. When we strive for confidence, It’s easy to slide over into posturing or presenting an image of ourselves that we want people to see rather that just being who we are.

By focusing on confidence, we consume ourselves with what others think of us and distract ourselves from what we really want in any situation.

But what If we don’t actually want confidence? What if we want something else…something deeper?

Here, Decker x-rays what it is like for a man who is not experiencing the “confidence” he wants to exude:

This confidence thing is really just a myth!

Your version may be different than this, but there seems to be a lot of value in digging into what is happening for us underneath our self-judgement of confident or not-confident.

What we are really looking for is not confidence, but self-assurance. Just knowing that what we are saying is deeply true for us in that moment.

We want to feel the flow state of living our purpose without our internal questioning and self-doubt taking control and running the show.

Listen to Mel, a former bartender and AMP woman draw out the distinctions and share her experience of self-assuredness in men.

Authenticity is not something we can “do.”

Are you ok, with yourself no matter what?

Self-assuredness is a direct expression of what we call Wholeness in the AMP holarchy and all of our programs are aimed at clearing the obstacles to Wholeness.(Click Here if you don’t know what the hell I am talking about.)

I’m reflecting back on the times when I felt effortless flow in relating with a woman and exuding what most people call confidence.

In those moments I certainly wasn’t thinking about confidence…I wasn’t thinking about myself at all.

How about you?

Stay Tuned…

In sharing these posts with you, I am really inspired to jump in and take it to the next level with you guys.

We’re re-launching a favorite AMP program in the next couple weeks…with fresh legs, and new insights for you.

Keep an eye on this blog and AMP emails so you can get in on this killer program before it fills up.

I love getting feedback from you guys. Drop a comment below if these insights rocked you like they did me (or if you think Decker and I are totally full of shit ;))